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Cross-Border Concert
項目名稱: 越界音樂會所
項目面積: 3500㎡
空間性質: 量販式KTV
設計小組: H組
坐落位置: 河南南陽
主要建材: 烤漆板 鏡子 GRG
設計時間: 2014年2月


Cross-border concert design, just as its name, across the boundaries of traditional karaoke industry, create and lead a new, fashionable, classical beauty and modern beauty with the combination of new consumerism trend. Color, one of the most magical of nature element, is also the key points in interior design, the designer wants to use color in modern style and classical style to find a balance of power. Contracted portrays the elegant lines of space, the combination of lacquer board and the mirror make a space more interactive, bookshelf elements join let whole space more human party nearly humanization, it is also one of the trend of future KTV design.

標簽: 音樂會所設計量販式KTV設計娛樂會所設計
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